AI Readiness Assessment

Is your AI governance program ready for rapidly evolving AI technologies? Take a brief quiz to find out!

Your AI Readiness Score

Low Maturity Uh oh.
Medium Maturity Not Bad!
High Maturity You're doing well!

You've got some work to do.

You may have some general processes and procedures that are used on an ad-hoc basis to help you manage your use of AI, but there is room for improvement to apply a more defined and consistent approach.

Note: Generally organizations at this stage are doing what they can to get by. They may have some ad-hoc processes/procedures that they use, but they are usually not formal, not fully documented, are not consistently applied, and may not cover all relevant aspects.

You're getting there...

You've identified and put in place effective controls to help mitigate AI risks. There may still be some areas of improvement to focus on to grow your AI governance program.

Organizations at your level generally have it together, or are in the process of having it together. They know what they need to do and have either done it, or are working toward geting it done.

Good News!

You've put in place effective controls to ensure a your organization well positioned to mitigate AI risks, and work proactively to ensure your AI governance program remains relevant and effective. But it's important to continue on that journey.

You're in good company — organizations at your level have robust, well-documented, repeatable processes/procedures in place and proactively work to regularly review controls and other elements of their program to ensure continued improvement and full optimization.

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