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Data Subject Request Automation

Can you efficiently process DSRs?

A Data Subject Request (DSR) or Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) gives individuals — consumers, customers, or employees — in 50+ jurisdictions the right to see and to take further action on their personal data such as deleting or correcting.

Protect against fines and litigation

Managing data subject requests is time-consuming and complex, and the risk of litigation and fines is real — to date, one of the biggest fines levied in the EU ($10.2 million) was against the Austrian Postal Service for failure to fulfill data subject rights properly.

Across 50+ jurisdictions with DSR laws, there are a wide range of request types and stipulated time frames companies must comply with, including:

  • Right to Access
  • Right to Rectification
  • Right to Objection
  • Right to Know
  • Right to Restriction
  • Right to Deletion
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Fulfill DSR efficiently and securely

  • Register, record, and authenticate a request
  • Find the personal information across all systems
  • Validate the information
  • Redact or update the information
  • Securely provide to the individual

Automate and scale your DSR fulfillment

TrustArc Individual Rights Manager automates the entire request fulfillment process to rapidly scale across mobile, web, and app environments according to jurisdictional requirements.

Continuously monitored by legal experts, our built-in privacy controls mean you stay compliant with changing regulations with no privacy expertise required.

Easily manage your workflow across systems and provide records of your compliance, while building user trust along the way.

Nymity Research: Understand your obligations

Save time, effort, and costs with timely and digestible legal summaries on 244+ global jurisdictions and their data retention, consent, and individual rights requirements.

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