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Data Privacy: Major Concern for Consumers

Consumers consider data privacy to be a hot-button issue, according to responses from a recent survey.

Despite increasing talk of regulation enforcement, best practices, and self-regulatory measures, many consumers consider data privacy a major concern.

Personal data sharing a top concern

The top concern is that companies will collect personal data and share that data with other companies (38 percent of Americans are concerned about this, compared to 48 percent of Brits).

Coinciding with Data Privacy Day, we have released some interesting survey results. The TRUSTe 2015 Consumer Confidence Privacy Index sheds light on consumer attitudes toward data privacy.

In two separate surveys, consumers shared their concerns about data privacy:

  • 92% of Americans worry to some extent about their data privacy when using the Internet – the same percentage from our 2013 survey asking the same question.
  • 92% of Brits also worry about online privacy, an increase from 89% in January 2014.
  • The business impact from the lack of this trust is high: 89% of Brits say they avoid companies that do not protect their privacy, the same percentage as in January 2014 compared with 91% in January 2013 and 88% in January 2012.
  • 45% of Americans and Brits say online privacy is more important than national security.
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